
Knoxville Photographer | Maternity Pictures at Concord Park | Cory's Session

Knoxville Maternity Photographer


Cory and her beautiful family met me for some darling family and maternity pictures this fall! The weather was perfect, with some amazing fall colors starting to peek out and give us some amazing backdrops. The Cove at Concord Park in Knoxville is such a great little spot; it gives some amazing foliage, and crystal clear lake views. I love the variety. 

Cory and her handsome husband have two beautiful children, twins, and are expecting their third. We wanted to focus on the family, with a few special pictures to celebrate the soon-to-be new addition. I'm so glad I got to spend an afternoon with them in the very best time of year <3.


Knoxville Maternity Photographer | The Cove Park | Maternity Dresses

Knoxville Photographer


Can I just take a moment to tell you how much I love repeat clients? Watching little ones grow up and families change is one of the biggest perks of my job. This beautiful family, I have had the pleasure of photographing for a year and a half. When Sarah told me she was pregnant, I was so excited for them, especially little Landon getting to be a big brother! Sarah's maternity session was magical, and Landon was such a patient, handsome little prince <3

*Super secret photographer tip* We did the must have toddler poses first, so little man could go play when his attention was used up. 

Landon looking so lovingly at baby sissy.&nbsp;

Landon looking so lovingly at baby sissy. 

Knoxville Maternity Clothes

One of the biggest challenged my mama's have for their maternity session is what to wear! I really want you to feel beautiful for your maternity session, and I know struggling with maternity clothes in Knoxville ( with our tiny selection of stores) does not make that easy. I have ordered over 40 custom maternity gowns exclusively for my clients, so you can feel your very best. Sarah was so kind as to model a few extras for me during her session, so I could show them off to you all. 

Check out her session!

Knoxville Photographer | Family Photography | Sequoyah Park

The Dempsey's Family Session


I love, love, LOVE repeat clients like the Dempsey family! A little over a year ago, their sweet girl was still in mama's belly when I met them for a maternity session. What a difference a year can make! That sweet bump is now a sweet one year old baby girl full of smiles. Her and her brother must be in competition for the most smiley child, and I think it's a tie!

Knoxville Family Photographer

I really do love watching families grow and change and look forward to your yearly portraits. It's great to catch up and play with those smiling faces. I also find little ones take a lot less time to warm up during repeat sessions, especially if their old enough to have saved up a year of chit chat for me. Life is just grand from their perspective; it's always a great time!

We were able to cram quite a bit in to the Dempsey's mini session, and while the posed pictures are gorgeous, I just love their candids! It really shows who they are as a family, and their love for their children. 


I can only imagine what this beautiful family will be up to in another year; I can't wait to hear all about it. 


Book your own Knoxville Family Session

Lifestyle Newborn Photos | Knoxville Photographers | Amelia

Knoxville Newborn Baby Photographer


Little miss Amelia's Mom contacted me a few weeks ago to take some beautiful newborn pictures of her beautiful 6 week old daughter. At 6 weeks, she was a bit too old for typical newborn portraits. but that didn't mean we couldn't get amazing baby and family pictures! We opted for a lifestyle session to make the most out of their package. 

What are "Lifestyle Sessions" in Knoxville?

Lifestyle sessions are a style of professional photography that focuses on you being you. These pictures are more natural or candid and take place in your home, or another place that's special for your family, such as a local park with lots of memories. Older newborns make for GREAT Knoxville lifestyle photography. It's a great opportunity for their parents to snuggle their baby close, and preserve those sweet moments. 


Newborn Pictures in the Nursery

We started out Amelia's session in her pretty, pink nursery. It was the perfect backdrop to grab some great, relaxed photos of her with her Mom and Dad. Her Mom has such great decorating taste, which made the family pictures all  the better!


Who can resist such a sweet Mommy and baby moment???

Who can resist such a sweet Mommy and baby moment???

Six Week Old Pictures

Next, we did a few pictures of baby Amelia, and guess what? She even smiled!!! I brought a few headbands, wraps, and props to enhance miss Amelia's beauty in her six week pictures alone. She rocked them!

Family Pictures On Their Bed

At the end of the session, we moved to their lovely master bedroom, and took a few lifestyle family pictures on their bed. This is one of my favorite things to do in  lifestyle session! I love the togetherness, and cozy feeling of these pictures. This session was no exception! It's so sweet to watch new moms and dads with their new addition in a comfy setting. 

How to look GREAT in pictures || Knoxville Professional Photographer


4 tips to make the most of your portrait session

Everyone wants to look great for their professional portraits! I've put together a few simple tips to help you look ( and feel) tip-top for your pictures.


1. Make your clothing work for you, not against you. 

If you have an area of your body that is bothersome to you, use your clothing to minimize it. For example, if you aren't a huge fan of your arms, I recommend wearing long sleeves, or even just a crop sleeve cardigan to help bring attention away from that area.

Are your legs not your thing? Wear a nice, long skirt, or pants that are a relaxed fit and stick to neutral colored bottoms with a brighter top to bring attention upwards. 

Another great example, the belly! After having two children, I avoid tight shirts, and really focus on tops that flow away from my body, especially for pictures! Top a beautiful shirt, with a great scarf, and you'll bring the attention right where it belongs, your lovely face. Almost any part of your body that you don't like, can be masked perfectly in your portraits with a few simple wardrobe adjustments.

Also, be sure to really check over your wardrobe choices. Check it standing up and sitting down ( things look totally different when you sit). Be sure sure you're not choosing something that may look too tight, clingy or see-though on camera. Don't forget to check and make sure your undergarments don't peek out anywhere. No one wants to be fiddling with straps for their entire session. 

When your clothes look great and hide any bits and pieces you're not happy with, you'll feel better and look phenomenal. If you need more examples, or help styling for your session, just ask, I'm happy to help!

2. Posture matters.

I am HORRIBLE about good posture and a terrible example most of the time ( although I'm trying to work on it). Good posture during your portraits really spruces up your overall images. Try to stand casually, without being rigid, but with your back straight, it really polishes those pictures!! Posture is especially important in sitting poses, be sure to keep your shoulders back. During your session with me, I'll do my best to remind you to keep that posture looking great!

Another awesome posture tip, if you have trouble with a double chin, try to keep your chip up slightly, while bringing your head forward to elongate the neck. Think of how chickens stretch their necks! Sounds silly, but it works! 

3. Leave your personal space bubble at home

Personal space bubble: everyone has one! If you're taking pictures with family members, you'll need to look super tight knit in your pose (for most poses). Everyone, myself included, has a tendency to leave a little bit of space between them and the nearest person. During a portrait session, this space looks a bit awkward in the finished images. You really want to show off you're closeness and connection as a family or a couple, so prepare to be super close during your session. We're talking squished in,  uncomfortably close. If you feel you're close-enough, you'll probably still need to move in closer, but I promise, it's for the sake of beautiful family pictures! Put your arms around your loved ones and pull them in!

4. Smile. REALLY Smile!

A smile is the most beautiful thing a person can wear. No really, it's true! A true smile in your portraits makes all the difference in the world. I know getting pictures done can be stressful with picking wardrobe, getting ready, making sure the littles behave ( and trying not to pull out your hair when they don't). Be a duck, let those things roll of your back and grin. I promise you'll love your portraits so much more if you do. Fake smiles may fool other people, but you'll look back and realize that you weren't truly smiling and the picture will lose a bit of it's luster. Do what you need to do, tell a joke to your husband, make a silly face at the kids. Get that smile out to shine!

My own children are a nightmare to photograph ( at least for me!). I totally know what it's like to force a smile. They can't seem to focus for five minutes on some days. There are times when keeping a smile on my face while also getting the two kiddos to look at the camera, fixing my tripod ( to take our own family portraits), using the wireless remote ( that for some reason refuses to function when my children are actually looking at the camera), and keeping everyone from running off at the last second, seems like too much to bear. I smile anyway, because I know the end result will be worth it!

The Casey's wedding || Sevierville, TN Wedding Photographer

Meet the Casey's: a fabulous couple I had the pleasure of photographing this winter. 

They were my very last wedding before our big move home to Knoxville, TN. It was so close to our move date, that I couldn't even commit to being their photographer until two weeks prior, when I knew without a doubt that I would be there and able to capture all the details of their wedding! They were so incredibly patient while they waited for the Army to pin down our official date . I must say, I'm incredibly glad I was able to be there! It was a simply elegant wedding with family and friends there to celebrate their little family. 

It is such a wonder to be included in wedding days, especially here in my hometown, Knoxville, TN! I love being caught up in the excitement of the day and helping to make it a wonderful memory. My style has evolved over the years to documents wedding in a very unobtrusive, journalistic style, to minimize stress and let my wonderful wedding clients be themselves. The only downside to weddings: wedding fever! Each wedding I photograph fuels the fire to start planning my own fabulous vow renewal ceremony. 

The Casey's wedding day was as close to perfect as you can get! Everything went incredibly smoothly, and the awesome bridal party was even willing to brave the bitter-cold wind for some awesome formal portraits! 

Here's some of my favorites!!!

The handsome groom adjusting his bow tie.

The handsome groom adjusting his bow tie.

Beautiful bride, putting on the finishing touches before the dress goes on.

Beautiful bride, putting on the finishing touches before the dress goes on.

But first, let's take a selfie!

But first, let's take a selfie!

Down the aisle they come! So exciting!

Down the aisle they come! So exciting!

He spotted his beautiful bride making her way to him!

He spotted his beautiful bride making her way to him!

Time to celebrate!

Time to celebrate!

These ladies were SO much fun!

These ladies were SO much fun!

Isn't she a stunning bride??

Isn't she a stunning bride??

These two made me wish I had a sister. Such a fun afternoon with these awesome people!

These two made me wish I had a sister. Such a fun afternoon with these awesome people!

A perfect first dance &lt;3

A perfect first dance <3

I didn't even have to ask them to pose, they were that perfect!

I didn't even have to ask them to pose, they were that perfect!

The garter pull: I believe their faces say it all!

The garter pull: I believe their faces say it all!