Knoxville Maternity Photographer | The Cove Park | Maternity Dresses

Knoxville Photographer


Can I just take a moment to tell you how much I love repeat clients? Watching little ones grow up and families change is one of the biggest perks of my job. This beautiful family, I have had the pleasure of photographing for a year and a half. When Sarah told me she was pregnant, I was so excited for them, especially little Landon getting to be a big brother! Sarah's maternity session was magical, and Landon was such a patient, handsome little prince <3

*Super secret photographer tip* We did the must have toddler poses first, so little man could go play when his attention was used up. 

Landon looking so lovingly at baby sissy.&nbsp;

Landon looking so lovingly at baby sissy. 

Knoxville Maternity Clothes

One of the biggest challenged my mama's have for their maternity session is what to wear! I really want you to feel beautiful for your maternity session, and I know struggling with maternity clothes in Knoxville ( with our tiny selection of stores) does not make that easy. I have ordered over 40 custom maternity gowns exclusively for my clients, so you can feel your very best. Sarah was so kind as to model a few extras for me during her session, so I could show them off to you all. 

Check out her session!